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Ribotas kiekis
DJI Agras T30 dronas / drone
DJI Agras T30 dronas / drone
  • DJI Agras T30 dronas / drone
  • DJI Agras T30 dronas / drone
  • DJI Agras T30 dronas / drone
  • DJI Agras T30 dronas / drone

Promaksa pataria

Su 30 litrų purškimo baku DJI Agras T30 purškimo iš oro efektyvumą pakelia į naujas aukštumas. Revoliucinis transformuojantis korpusas leidžia efektyviau purkšti, ypač vaismedžius. Naudodamas DJI skaitmeninius žemės ūkio sprendimus, T30 padeda sumažinti trąšų naudojimą ir padidinti derlių, taikydamas veiksmingą, duomenimis pagrįstą geriausią praktiką.

DJI Agras T30 fly more combo agrodronas / dronas žemės ūkiui


10 999 €

15 999 €

su PVM
    Sutaupote:   -5 000 €
* kaina parduotuvėje gali skirtis nuo kainos internete
Techninė informacija:



24 mėn.

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DJI Agras T30 fly more combo agrodronas / dronas žemės ūkiui

Šią prekę pristatome nemokamai per Omniva paštomatus.

Prekės aprašymas

Pašalinkite akląsias vietas naudodami sferinę radaro sistemą

Sferinė lazerinė kliučių vengimo sistema gali aptikti kliūtis bet kokioje aplinkoje, visomis oro sąlygomis ir žiūrėjimo kampais, nepaisant dulkių ir šviesos trukdžių. Automatinis kliūčių išvengimas ir prisitaikančios skrydžio funkcijos padeda užtikrinti saugumą eksploatacijos metu.

Dvigubos FPV kameros geresniam suvokimui

Įrengtos dvi FPV kameros, Agras T30 suteikia aiškų vaizdą priekyje ir gale bei leidžia patikrinti skrydžio būseną, nereikės pasukti orlaivio skrydžio viduryje. O ryškus prožektorius padvigubina orlaivio naktinio matymo galimybes, sukurdamas daugiau naktinio veikimo galimybių.

Sukurta ilgalaikiam naudojimui

Agras T30 valdymo modulis turi visiškai uždarą konstrukciją, kad padidintų patvarumą. Visi svarbūs komponentai turi tris apsaugos sluoksnius ir yra apsaugoti IP67. Idealiai tinka ilgalaikiam pesticidų ir trąšų naudojimui. Atsparus dulkėms ir korozijai.

Patogus sulankstymas transportavimui

Agras T30 galima sulankstyti net 80%, todėl jį lengviau transportuoti. Šiame sulankstymo mechanizme naudojamas greitas užrakinimas ir įspėjimas programoje, kad būtų užtikrintas saugus veikimas.

Itin ryškus ekranas, patogus valdymas

Atnaujintas nuotolinio valdymo pultelis palaiko stabilų vaizdo perdavimą iki 5 km atstumu, 67 % daugiau nei ankstesnės kartos. [3] Ryškus 5,5 colio ekranas užtikrina aiškų vaizdą net esant atšiauriam apšvietimui. Kad padidėtų produktyvumas, vienu nuotolinio valdymo pulteliu vienu metu galima valdyti kelis dronus. Standartinis RTK didelio tikslumo padėties nustatymo modulis įgyvendina centimetro lygio veikimo planavimą. Papildomi patobulinimai apima stipresnį signalizavimą, apsaugą nuo trukdžių ir veikimo stabilumą. Naujoji DJI Agriculture programėlė suteikia sklandžią vartotojo patirtį ir intuityvesnį valdymą.

DJI Enterprise

Techninė informacija




  • Hourly work efficiency

  • 40 acres
  • High-precision radar

  • √ Spherical Omnidirectional Radar System
  • Remote control planning accuracy

  • √ (RTK/GNSS)
  • Pipe air exhaust

  • √ One button Air Discharge
  • 3D operation planning by the AI smart engine

  • High-precision flowmeter

  • √ (Dual-channel electromagnetic flowmeter with an error of ±2%)
  • Level gauge

  • Continuous level gauge (with real-time pesticide load detection and intelligent supply-point prediction)
  • Maximum spray flow

  • 7.2L/min (with the XR11001 nozzle)
    8L/min (with the XR110015 optional nozzle)
  • Pesticide tank installation method

  • Fixed pesticide tank
  • Battery installation method

  • Removable batteries
  • Single remote control for multiple drones

  • √ (Single remote control for up to three drones)
  • D-RTK technology

  • Top-view radar module

  • Flight laser function

  • Intelligent endurance/return function

  • Intelligent supply-point prediction

  • Front-view FPV

  • Rear-view FPV

  • Coordinated turning function

  • Branch targeting technology

Drone parameters

  • Total weight (without batteries)

  • 26.4 kg
  • Maximum take-off weight

  • 76.5 kg (near sea level)
  • Maximum thrust-to-weight ratio

  • 1.70 @ takeoff weight of 66.5 kg
  • Hovering precision (with good GNSS signal)

  • With D-RTK enabled:
    ±10 cm (horizontal) and ±10 cm (vertical)
    With D-RTK disabled:
    ±0.6m (horizontal) and ±0.3m (vertical) (with the radar function enabled: ±0.1m)
  • RTK and GNSS frequency bands

  • RTK: GPS L1/L2, GLONASS F1/F2, BeiDou B1/B2, and Galileo E1/E5
    GNSS: GPS L1, GLONASS F1, and Galileo E1
  • Maximum power consumption

  • 11,000 W
  • Hovering power consumption

  • 10,000 W (@ takeoff weight of 66.5 kg)
  • Hovering endurance

  • 20.5min (@29,000 mAh & takeoff weight of 36.5 kg)
    7.8min (@29,000 mAh & takeoff weight of 66.5 kg)
  • Maximum pitch angle

  • 15°
  • Maximum operating flight speed

  • 7 m/s
  • Maximum level speed

  • 10 m/s (with good GNSS signal)
  • Maximum tolerable wind speed

  • 8 m/s
  • Maximum flight altitude

  • 4,500m
    *Reduce the pesticide load by 12% for each increase of 1,000 meters in altitude.
  • Recommended operating ambient humidity

  • < 93%
  • Recommended operating ambient temperature

  • 0℃ to 45℃

Chassis parameters

  • Maximum rotor distance

  • 2,145 mm
  • Dimensions

  • 2,858 mm × 2,685 mm × 790 mm (with arms and blades unfolded)
    2,030 mm × 1,866 mm × 790 mm (with arms unfolded and blades folded)
    1,170 mm × 670 mm × 857 mm (with arms folded)

Power system - Motor

  • Stator size

  • 100×18 mm
  • KV value

  • 77 rpm/V
  • Maximum pull

  • 18.7 kg/rotor
  • Maximum power

  • 3,600 W/rotor
  • Weight

  • 756 g

Power system - Propellers

  • Diameter × pitch

  • 38×20 inch
  • Weight (with a single blade)

  • 106 g

Power system - ESC

  • Maximum operating current (continuous)

  • 60 A
  • Maximum operating voltage

  • 60.9 V (14S LiPo)

FPV cameras

  • View angle (FOV)

  • Horizontal: 129°, vertical:82°
  • Resolution

  • 1,280×720 15-30 fps

FPV searchlights

  • Maximum light intensity

  • 13.2 lux @ 5-meter direct light

Spraying system - Operation tank

  • Operation tank volume

  • 30L at full load
  • Operating load

  • 30 kg at full load

Spraying system - Nozzles

  • Nozzle model

  • SX11001VS (standard)
    SX110015VS (optional)
    Fruit tree drones: TX-VK04 (optional)
  • Nozzle quantity

  • 16
  • Maximum spray flow

  • SX11001VS: 7.2L/min
    SX110015VS: 8L/min
    TX-VK4:3.6 L/min
  • Atomized particle size

  • SX11001VS : 130 - 250 μm
    SX110015VS : 170 - 265 μm
    TX-VK4: 110 - 135 μm
    (depending on the actual operating environment, spray flow, and other factors)
  • Maximum effective spray width

  • 4-9 m (with 12 nozzles and a distance of 1.5 to 3 meters to crops)

Spraying system - Water pump

  • Water pump model

  • Plunger pump
  • Operating voltage

  • 60 V
  • Maximum flow

  • 4 L/min ×1

Spraying system - Flowmeter

  • Flow measurement range

  • 0.25 - 20 L/min
  • Flow measurement error

  • < ±2%
  • Measurable liquid

  • Conductivity > 50 μS/cm, typical liquids: Tap water or aqueous organic or inorganic pesticides

Omnidirectional obstacle avoidance radar

  • Model

  • RD2424R
  • Operating frequency

  • SRRC/NCC/FCC: 24.05 - 24.25 GHz
    MIC/KCC/CE: 24.05 - 24.25 GHz
  • Operating power consumption

  • 12 W
  • Equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP)

  • SRRC: < 13 dBm; NCC/MIC/KCC/CE/FCC:< 20 dBm
  • Height maintenance and terrain adaptation

  • Height measurement range: 1-30 m
    Height-maintenance range: 1.5-15 m
    Maximum slope in mountain mode:35°
  • Obstacle avoidance system

  • Perceivable distance: 1.5-30 m
    View angle (FOV): Horizontal: 360°, vertical: ±15°
    Conditions of use: The relative altitude of the drone must be greater than 1.5 m and the speed less than 7 m/s
    Safety distance: 2.5 m (the distance between the tip of the propeller and the obstacle after the drone decelerates to a hover)
    Obstacle avoidance direction: Horizontally omnidirectional obstacle avoidance
  • Water-resistance rating

  • IP67

Top-view radar

  • Model

  • RD2414U
  • Operating frequency

  • SRRC/NCC/FCC:24.05 - 24.25 GHz
    MIC/KCC/CE:24.05 - 24.25 GHz
  • Overhead obstacle avoidance

  • Perceivable distance: 1.5-10 m
    View angle (FOV): 80°
    Conditions of use: During take-off, landing, and climbing when the relative distance between the drone and the object above is greater than 1.5 m
    Safety distance: 2 m (the distance between the highest point on the top of the drone and the obstacle after the drone brakes and hovers stably)
    Obstacle avoidance direction: Above the drone
  • Water-resistance rating

  • IP67
  • Equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP)

  • SRRC:< 13 dBm; NCC/MIC/KCC/CE/
    FCC:< 20 dBm
  • Operating power consumption

  • 4 W


  • Model

  • BAX501-29,000mAh-51.8V
  • Weight

  • Approximately 10.1 kg
  • Discharge rate

  • 11.5C
  • Water-resistance rating

  • IP54 with board-level potting protection
  • Capacity

  • 29,000 mAh
  • Voltage

  • 51.8 V

Remote control

  • Model

  • RM500-ENT
  • Operating frequency of the Ocusync Industry Edition

  • 2.4000 - 2.4835 GHz
    5.725 - 5.850 GHz
  • Effective signal range at the Ocusync Industry Edition operating frequency (without interference and blockage)

  • SRRC: 5 km; MIC/KCC/CE: 4 km; FCC: 7 km
    (measured when the operating height of the drone is 2.5 m)
  • EIRP of the operating frequency of the Ocusync Industry Edition

  • 2.4 GHz
    SRRC/CE/MIC/KCC: 18.5 dBm;
    FCC: 29.5 dBm;
    5.8 GHz
    SRRC: 20.5 dBm;
    FCC: 28.5 dBm
    CE:12.5 dBm
  • Wi-Fi protocols

  • Wi-Fi Direct, Wireless Display, and 802.11a/g/n/ac
    Supports 2 × 2 MIMO Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi operating frequency

  • 2.4000 - 2.4835 GHz
    5.150 - 5.250 GHz
    5.725 - 5.850 GHz
  • Wi-Fi EIRP

  • 2.4 GHz
    SRRC/CE: 18.5 dBm; FCC/MIC/KCC:20.5 dBm;
    5.2 GHz
    SRRC/FCC/CE/MIC: 14 dBm; KCC: 10 dBm;
    5.8 GHz
    SRRC/FCC: 18 dBm; CE/KCC: 12 dBm;
  • Bluetooth protocol

  • Bluetooth 4.2
  • Bluetooth operating frequency

  • 2.4000 - 2.4835 GHz
  • Bluetooth EIRP

  • Positioning

  • GPS+GLONASS dual mode
  • Display screen

  • 5.5-inch screen with a resolution of 1920×1080, brightness of 1,000 cd/m², and Android OS
  • Operating memory (RAM)

  • 4GB LPDDR4
  • Storage space (ROM)

  • A microSD card with 32 GB and extensible storage space for up to 128 GB, transfer speed rated as UHS-I Speed Grade 3
  • HDMI

  • HDMI 1.4
  • Supported drones

  • T30 and T10 agricultural drones
  • Operating power consumption

  • 18 W
  • Operating ambient temperature

  • -10℃ to 40℃
  • Storage ambient temperature

  • -30℃ to 60℃ (within 1 month)
    -30℃ to 45℃ (more than 1 month and less than 3 months)
    -30℃ to 35℃ (more than 3 months and less than 6 months)
    -30℃ to 25℃ (more than 6 months)
    (with built-in batteries charged to 40% to 60%)
  • Charging ambient temperature

  • 5℃ to 40℃

Built-in batteries of the remote control

  • Built-in batteries

  • 18650 lithium-ion battery (5,000 mAh at 7.2V)
  • Battery life

  • 2 hours
  • Charging method

  • Use a standard 12V/2A USB fast charger
  • Charging time

  • 2.5 hours (use the 12V/2A USB fast charger when the remote control is powered off)
  • Power supply current/voltage of the remote control USB-A port

  • 5 V / 1.5 A

External smart battery of the remote control

  • Model

  • WB37-4,920mAh-7.6V
  • Battery type

  • 2S LiPo
  • Capacity

  • 4,920 mAh
  • Voltage

  • 7.6 V
  • Capacity

  • 37.39 Wh
  • Charging ambient temperature

  • 5℃ to 40℃
  • Battery life

  • 2 hours

Charging assistant of the remote control external smart battery

  • Model

  • WCH2
  • Input voltage

  • 17.3 - 26.2 V
  • Output voltage and current

  • 8.7V and 6A
  • Operating ambient temperature

  • 5℃ to 40℃

Power adapter of the external smart battery charging assistant

  • Model

  • A14-057N1A
  • Input voltage

  • 100 - 240V and 50/60 Hz
  • Output voltage

  • 17.4 V
  • Rated power

  • 57 W

T30 Spreading System 3.0

  • Spreading system weight

  • 3.9kg
  • Maximum opening area

  • 44.6 cm²
  • Applicable materials

  • Solid dry particles with a diameter of 0.5 to 5 mm
  • Spreading tank volume

  • 40L
  • Maximum load of the spreading tank

  • 35kg
  • Water-resistance rating

  • IP67
  • Input voltage

  • Power: 60V
  • Maximum power

  • 60V@250W
  • Recommended operating ambient temperature

  • 0℃ to 40℃
  • Dimensions

  • 560×435×320mm
  • Maximum rotation speed

  • 1,300 RPM

T30 smart charging manager

  • Dimensions

  • 300×280×230 mm
  • Total weight

  • 11.5 kg
  • Input voltage

  • 100-264 Vac
  • Output voltage

  • 40-60 V
  • Rated power

  • 7,200
  • Charging current

  • 120 A
  • Charging time

  • Fully charges a battery in 9 to 12 minutes
  • Charging voltage accuracy

  • +/-0.1 V
  • Charging current accuracy

  • +/-1 A
  • Output channel quantity

  • 2
  • Protection functions

  • Over-temperature, over-voltage, under-voltage, short-circuit, and fan stall protection
  • Charging ambient temperature

  • -20℃ to 45℃
  • Charging safety

  • AC wire protection, power wire protection, and charge connector protection


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